
Showing posts from 2017

Are We Abusing Social Media?

I remember receiving my first cell phone in the 6th grade and only having two functionalities, which were call and text. It was also a numbered keyboard that took ten min u tes to send out a text. Today, we have access to everything with the touch of our fingertips and tend to underestimate how far technology has come. Younger children are exposed to this digital world at a very young age, which I believe is a huge negative factor. Their minds are consumed with video games and social media platforms that disengage them from being social . Based on the statistics provided in the article from PewResearch Center, the majority of teens have a cellphone. I can assure you that it’ s not just any cell phone but a smartphone . I have a younger brother who is twelve years old, who has been using an iPhone since the age of nine. I believe that this early exposure to technology truly prevents kids from being real kids. Since none of this existed when I was grow